Why Outsourcing Companies have acquired a Poor Reputation?

While deciding whether to or not to Outsource Web Development to one of the many offshore Outsourcing Companies, you are bound to come across a mixed feedback about outsourcing from the people you talk to. Let us look at some of the impressions that have added a poor reputation to Outsourcing and Offshoring:

Job Loss in the US

This is one of the prime reasons for Outsourcing Companies being considered as a wrong option for business. US indulges in outsourcing more than any other country at present. The 2008-2009 recession has prompted the US population to believe that outsourcing results in job drain, and this is harmful for US job opportunities and its economy.

However, the truth is quite different. When companies Outsource Web Development, they manage to save a considerable amount of money on creating and maintaining a website, and therefore the marketing cost goes down. This enables the company offer their products at a lower cost to users, which in turn controls inflation. This is good for both the company and the population.

Moreover, companies generally outsource when they cannot afford an American employee. Considering this, outsourcing is not really making Americans lose jobs, but enabling companies to grow and offer their products and services at cheaper costs.

Skilled Personnel are treated like Commodities

The next question is of ethics. People have pointed out that Outsourcing Companies treat the offshore employees as mere commodities. They are made to work on menial salaries and the work pressure is seen to be too high.

However, even though the salaries may appear to be menial in the US, the salaries offered by companies that Outsource Web Development is able to earn a pretty good lifestyle to the offshore employees. This is because of the dollar conversion rates. Cost of living is seen to be very low in the countries where projects are outsourced.

Poor Standards from Cheap Service

This is yet another myth related to the services offered by Outsourcing Companies. People have pointed out that since an outsourcing partner is able to offer you services at a very cheap cost, their products are bound to lack the quality and standard required to make them reliable and effective.

However, it has been noted that our outsourcing partners are often seen to present a higher skilled workforce and better technologies with regards to the products and services that are being outsourced! Therefore this is also another myth!

These are the main myths that have added a negative reputation to outsourcing companies. However, as we have seen, the truth is quite the opposite. Therefore consider these points clearly and only then consider whether or not it seems to be a good idea to outsource web development to an offshore partner.

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